Oink! Curious?

The addition of 3-4 inches of fresh snow leveled the bay, making it tougher to see differences in the terrain, resulting in occasional bogging down into a firm, unseen drift. With 3-5 inches of accumulation in the forecast for Saturday, it’s best to bring a shovel. While checking ice this afternoon, Lacy and I took a ride in the WILCraft from the shop south toward Escanaba and back to the top of the bay. While south we made a quick stop by our friend Diane at Bay View Bait & Tackle to say hello. I measured 20” of ice at the top near Center Reef and 14” throughout the middle of the Narrows of Gladstone, where ice probably hasn’t been that thick in years. 

The Curious Pig will be back by popular demand this Saturday from 11-5, serving their pork delicacies at Blade’s Bait & Tackle. If you’ve had meat from The Curious Pig, we know you’ll be here. If you haven’t, give it a try. Caution: it’s addictive. 

Increasing your odds,







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