“It’s Monday on the bay, and the angling pressure has subsided— for now. Ice is over 10 inches and closing in on 11 inches. Today, Joe Krugler of Hard Water Addiction Guide Service joined me in the WILCraft to do some pressure crack reconnaissance. We found places to cross safely, but we also found spots that’ll eat your tires. It’s unlikely that an entire machine would fit in the cracks, but it could leave one in a difficult situation to deal with. Do not cross any pressure crack without checking it beforehand, even if you recently crossed. Sticks and trees left on the ice as markers mean nothing except to the person who put them there.
I would think that this weekend will be the last hurrah without truck traffic. After that, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday overnight temperatures are forecasted to be subzero, and on a couple of days 2° is the predicted high. That’s certain to expand the playing field well south of Gladstone and Escanaba. If you’re looking to team up with an experienced guide on the bay, send us a message, and we can pass you on to Joe or check him out on his Facebook.
Increasing your odds,
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