A number of thefts and some vandalism of ice anglers’ equipment and access signs have been reported. Unfortunately, this kind of shenanigans is common. Those responsible may want to repent before meeting their Maker. Hell is hot and likely has no ice. For future hoodlums and thieves, you’re being watched. It’s just a matter of time. The wind-blown pressure cracks are easy to see. They can either be crossed with ease or be extremely dangerous if the crack just popped and shot water into the air, or up your ice hole if you’re perched near it. Ice gained another 1/4-1/2 inch, measuring an average of 9 1/2 inches north of Gladstone. The bay has formed easier-to-spot pressure cracks. A picture tonight depicts the improved traction on the bay…thanks to 1/64 – 1/2 inch wind-blown drifts.”
Increasing your odds,
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