Ice Conditions, Weather Reports, and More!

  • Last Weekend Of    January

    Last Weekend Of January

    Saturday night on the Noc, the lightly snow-covered bay has had some traffic. It could only be better if the wind would calm down and fish swam up holes in the ice. Some anglers have reported an aggressive bite. Walleyes, ranging from nice eaters during prime feeding times to a midday hog cruising for an…

  • The Bite Is Back!

    The Bite Is Back!

     Snow is blowing across the ice as the south wind rips up the bay. The rattling and ruffling canvas of hubs and flips culminates with a ping, pong, and a pop as the ice continues to thicken. Hunkering down in that permanent skid house might be preferable to using portables until the wind backs off…

  • How’s The Ice? Perfect!!

    How’s The Ice? Perfect!!

    The ice conditions on Little Bay de Noc are near perfection: 14” or more ice. There aren’t too many surprises out there; it’s just perfect for traveling, no matter your mode of transport. The surface is snow-covered and offers plenty of grip, with cleats being optional. After a shutdown last weekend, the bite is picking…

  • Bit Chilly

    Bit Chilly

    It’s cold, but not as cold as it’s gonna be tomorrow…stay tuned!  Our picture for tonight is Mason, a young ice angler and a very good friend of Blade’s Bait & Tackle posing with one of many perch he  brought up the hole yesterday.  Increasing your odds, -Blade

  • Ahhh, Bitter Cold

    Ahhh, Bitter Cold

    A bitter cold 0° at about 8 o’clock Eastern Time Sunday evening coming off the bay. The forecasted high is 6 above until Thursday. Yipeee!!!! We’re going to have a foot and a half, maybe 2 feet, of ice by the weekend. I couldn’t find anything less than 12”, up to 17”. The thicker ice…

  • 10 Inch Plus Ice

    10 Inch Plus Ice

     Short and sweet tonight, and probably tomorrow, if it’s as busy as it was today. Ice remains over 10 inches thick. A full report will follow after the weekend.  Angling pressure on the bay is certain to lighten up beginning Sunday as downright brutal temperatures move in until Thursday. The picture tonight was submitted by Gavin…

  • Little Bay de Noc Moon

    Little Bay de Noc Moon

     Pleasant temperatures today were disguised by the wind, at times it felt like it was in the teens. Not much different to report on ice since yesterday. Just another incredibly beautiful day on the bay. Travel is so smooth between the pressure cracks. Very few drifts, and ruts are non-existent. Some good friends rolled into…

  • Red Rider

    Red Rider

    A brisk 12 mph wind from the south gusted to 26 mph as Red and I took to the ice in search of areas with ice under 10 inches. Such spots are tough to find unless you’re in the shallows or in the gap of a pressure crack. The previous snow fell damp and has…

  • Hardly Got On The Ice

    Hardly Got On The Ice

    If you weren’t on Little Bay de Noc today, I know the feeling. Between chores around the shop and preparing for our next overnight guests, there was little time to spend on the ice today. I did manage a WILCraft demonstration out there—a short ride showcasing the most amazing ice machine created by the mind…