Wind Switched

The wind has changed direction dozens of times in the last three days! Nothing has been consistent except reports that fish have been tight-lipped everywhere. That just means they’re going to feed at some point soon. In fact, the barometric pressure over the last few days would indicate a slow bite. Now, until the weekend, the feeding should turn back on with rising pressure in the sweet spot (29.8-30.2) and will drop over the weekend. Typically, that drop in pressure between the marks means a feeding frenzy. Ice conditions continue to be phenomenal. I’ve never seen this quality of ice on any body of water, let alone Little Bay de Noc. Usually, we start with a few inches of good ice and then pile on some snow. Then some slush freezes, and that’s what we get. OK ice. This frozen sheet appears black on top to the eye and so clear that I can see a few bubbles in the ice 17 inches down. Auger extensions will soon be a reality—for sure in skid houses, and maybe for everyone by March. Tonights photo is compliments of our overnight guests, who wisely marked their tip-ups. Excellent choice of markers. 

Increasing your odds,







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