A brisk 12 mph wind from the south gusted to 26 mph as Red and I took to the ice in search of areas with ice under 10 inches. Such spots are tough to find unless you’re in the shallows or in the gap of a pressure crack. The previous snow fell damp and has provided some traction. All the landings look as good as they get. Pressure cracks encountered off any given landing can lead to obstacles. Stop by the shop to check out a map of the bay. Depending on your hot spot, we’ll try to help you navigate an efficient route, or you can call for a safe escort with someone that’s out there every day.
Very pleasant conditions are forecasted over the next few days. 32° by day and dropping to the teens at night. From Saturday night into Sunday, the mercury will drop significantly, leading to bitter cold through Wednesday. We haven’t experienced these temperatures in a couple of years, so be prepared—it’s guaranteed to chill you to the bone.
Increasing your odds,
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